Our customers

You can reach us by email at info@hc-group.net or come and visit us at

   Phone: +1.520.303-7935
   Fax:      +1.520.398-7408
   Tucson, AZ

REGIONAL OFFICE - Santiago, Chile
  Phone:  +56.22.979-8035
   Las Condes, Santiago.

   Phone:  +51.1.437-7572
   Santiago de Surco, Lima.

E-Mail Disclaimer
La informacion y cualquier archivo transmitidos en este correo electronico son de propiedad de HC-GROUP, son de caracter confidencial y estan dirigidas exclusivamente a su destinatario. Si los ha recibido por error, por favor informe al remitente y borrelo inmediatamente de su computador. Cualquier otro uso, retencion, distribucion, impresion o copiado de este correo esta estrictamente prohibido. Aunque se supone que este correo y cualquiera de los archivo adjuntos estan libres de virus o de defectos que pueda danar al sistema de computo donde se recibe y es abiero; es responsabilidad del que recibe asegurarse de que esta libre de virus y no existe responsabilidad alguna por parte de HC-GROUP por cualquier dano o perdida que se presente por su uso.

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of HC-GROUP, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom this e-mail is addressed. If you are not the named recipient or otherwise have reason to believe that you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete this message immediately from your computer. Any other use, retention, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. Although this e-mail and any attachment are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into with it is received, and opened, it is responsibility of the recipient to ensure that is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by HC-GROUP for any loss or damage arising in any way form its use.

1. ACCEPTANCE. All orders are subject to final acceptance by HC-GROUP LLC, HC-GROUP PERU SAC, HC-GROUP Chile SPA, and HCG hereinafter referred to as “HCG”, at its home office, and may not be altered on its behalf except in writing by an authorized employee. HCG’s acceptance of all orders is contingent upon approval of the purchaser’s credit.
2. PRICES. Prices for future orders are subject to change without notice. HCG reserves the right to correct clerical errors. All prices are in USD and EXW HCG shipping dock.
3. TAXES. The amount of any present or future sales, use or similar taxes and import or export tariffs applicable to this transaction shall be payable by the purchaser when and as incurred.
4. TERMS OF PAYMENT. Net cash will be due and payable upon delivery unless prior approval for credit. For ALL purchase orders of $100,000 + on accounts with approved credit a 50% cash deposit will be required before initial delivery and Net 30 Days on the balance. If total payment is not made on or before the specified due date, the purchaser agrees to pay service charges at the rate of 1.5% per month per unpaid balance and to pay all collection charges incurred by HCG, including reasonable attorney’s fees. Upon credit approval payment terms are Net 30 from date of invoice.
5. CANCELLATION. Cancellation of all or part of an order through no fault of HCG, shall not be binding on HCG unless notice of cancellation is received by HCG within 7 days of receipt of PO by HCG. If the cancellation is agreed to by HCG, the customer will incur a restocking charge of 15% and the customer may also be liable for charges for any special work performed as a result. Cancellation by failure of HCG to deliver as promised can be made only if HCG cannot deliver the items within 30 days from notice of intent to cancel.
6. RETURNS. Returns shall be shipped prepaid by the purchaser, unless otherwise approved by an authorized HCG employee. HCG shall not be responsible for damage in shipment. Purchaser must enclose a packing T&C of Sale 7/11/16 1 of 3 slip or note containing his name, address, phone number and description of the problem with any returns. Warranty repairs will be returned to purchaser via prepaid surface transportation, unless purchaser specifically authorizes return by air shipment and agrees to pay the cost. All returns are subject to a minimum of 15% restocking charge and no returns, except for items needing service, will be accepted without prior authorization nor beyond 30 days from receipt.
7. CLAIMS. Any claims for shortages, damages, or delays shall be made by the purchaser direct to the carrier. HCG shall supply additional copies of invoices and transportation receipts and other information necessary for the filings of any claim against the carrier by the purchaser.
8. TITLE AND SECURITY INTEREST. HCG retains title to the goods until buyer performs all obligations under this contract. HCG retains a security interest in the goods, including all accessions to and replacements of them, to secure performance of all buyer’s obligations arising under this agreement.
9. DELIVERY AND LEAD TIME. HCG will maintain delivery schedules as closely as possible, but all advance shipping dates are best estimates only, and assumes no liability for loss or consequential damages for delay. Average lead time for most orders is 10 weeks.
10. WARRANTY. The warranty period for standard products is as specified in the sales literature and/or in the instruction manual in effect at the time the order is placed. Our liability during the warranty period is limited to servicing or adjusting any product returned to the factory for that purpose, and to replacement of any defective part whether the unit is returned or not. This foregoing states the entire liability of HCG to the purchaser in connection with its products. HCG shall not be held responsible for consequential damages of any kind, and the foregoing is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied. This warranty shall be effective only in the event the buyer complies fully and promptly in making all payments required under the HCG terms of payment. This warranty is applicable only to the original buyer on sales made directly by HCG or by an authorized dealer or distributor.
11. SPECIFICATIONS. HCG reserves the right to change specifications or to discontinue models at any time. There is no obligation to retain previous T&C of Sale 7/11/16 2 of 3 specifications or to incorporate modifications on products sold previously.
12. USE OF DATA. Purchaser shall treat as confidential all drawings and data submitted by HCG pertaining to price, size, and design. Purchaser shall not give or show such drawings or data to others under any circumstances, unless specifically approved by an authorized HCG employee. All such drawings and data shall remain HCG property.
13. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. We hereby certify that these goods were produced in compliance with all applicable requirements of Sections 6, 7, and 12 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, and of the regulations and orders of the United States Department of Labor issued under Section 14, thereof.
14. AGREEMENT. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the terms and conditions on the face and reverse of the acknowledgement constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and shall not be modified by standard clauses in the purchaser’s purchase order or elsewhere. 15. PARTIAL SHIPMENTS. If buyer agrees to partial shipment of order, net cash will be due and payable upon delivery or (if credit has been established) Net 30 days from date of invoice, on items delivered. HCG’s shipping terms are “Prepay and Add” unless otherwise specified by Buyer.